
  • Amondavlatov Tashmamat Menglimurodougli Termez State University Lecturer, Faculty of Sports Activity and Management
  • Shaymardanov Adham Dobilovich Master student of the Pedagogical Institute of Termez State University



children's sports, planning, load, young swimmers, children's and youth sports school


Planning a one-year training cycle with its subsequent implementation is one of the main stages in the preparation of an athlete. Depending on how rationally this process is built, the potential capabilities of the athlete will be realized in different ways, the effectiveness of the training exercises performed by him will be different.


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How to Cite

Menglimurodougli, A. T., & Dobilovich, S. A. (2022). PLANNING THE TRAINING OF SWIMMERS OF TRAINING GROUPS OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOLS. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(4), 278–281.


