The conspiracy of Catiline, Mirza-secretary, Erari, Factory of Counterfeit Documents, Fesial Archive, Preserved Pontiffs AnnalAbstract
We consider it important to consider the history of world civilizations, their emergence, development and crisis as a problem of great socio-political significance and to study, analyze and evaluate it on a large scale as a matter of concern to all countries and peoples of the world. is compatible. We believe that the study of events in the history of any state applies not only to the citizens of that state or neighboring countries, but to all of humanity. The First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov also said in this regard: “Using the historical experience of the development of society today. not repeating the mistakes will accelerate the building of a great society in our country and our worthy place in the world community. That is why it is the sacred duty of each of us to study the history of developed countries in depth and use its positive aspects for the development of our republic
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