
  • Iskаndаrоvа Sharifa Madaliyevna Professor at Ferghana State University, Doctor of Philological sciences (DSC)
  • Aripova Xolida 1st year Master of Linguistics (Uzbek lanuage) at Fergana State University




language units, style, publicism, newspaper language, newspaper genre, thesis


The article provides information on the appeal of journalism style, its specific features, the scope of artistic maturity, methodological tasks, and the level of study in various studies.


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How to Cite

Madaliyevna, I. S. ., & Xolida, A. . (2022). ON THE STUDY OF THE PUBLICIST METHOD IN LINGUISTICS. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(5), 349–353. https://doi.org/10.51699/mjssh.v1i5.281


