
  • Qosimova Zarguloy Abinjon qizi Andijan State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages 3rd year student of English language and literature




cross-cultural communication, machine learning, second language education, language integration


The article is aimed at analyzing cognitive distortions in cross- cultural communication when using automatic translation from Chinese to Russian, which are presented in the Internet space. Hypothesis: cognitive impairment in cross-cultural communication when automatic Chinese- Russian translation due to differences in mentality of Russian and Chinese, differential specificity of cognitive picture of the world at native speakers of languages of different structures, especially the inclusion of the components in the scope of the concept, specifics of the representation of the material with different system of graphics, the mismatches of structure of Russian and Chinese proposals, etc. A special role is played by the peculiarities of the tradition of teaching and communication in Russia and China, as well as the specifics of ethnolinguopsychology. The Chinese mentality has a priority influence on the formation of respect for traditions and following them in the written style of speech. The Chinese mentality finds Parallels with the North Caucasian mentality in using the cognitive experience of its predecessors, in following the traditions of pedagogical practice. Russian Russian and Chinese Russian specialists ' practical skills in cross-cultural communication correspond to the goals, stages, and tasks of training specialists in Russian-Chinese dialogue. The method of analysis is based on an axiological approach and synergetics, including methods of ethnopsycholinguistics, cross-cultural communication, machine learning, methods of teaching languages as foreign languages in an ethno-cultural environment with significant differences in social distance.


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How to Cite

qizi, Q. Z. A. . (2022). EXTRALINGUISTIC ISSUES IN CROSS- CULTURAL COMMUNICATION: BODY LANGUAGE. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 22–27. https://doi.org/10.51699/mjssh.vi.322