Society is in a New Stage of Development Exemplification of Ethical-Aesthetic Culture in the Professional Activity of Leaders
Ethical and aesthetic culture is one of the important qualities in the work of management personnel. Leaders who are morally sound, educated and experienced, who have a deep knowledge of the basics of science, who have a strong belief in justice and humanity can be the owners of high moral qualities. All these qualities come together and lead to the formation, strengthening and development of the society's worldview, faith, national consciousness of the people. Spiritual maturity proceeds on the basis that all its aspects are interconnected, directly or indirectly affecting each other. The perfection of a person, including a leader, cannot be fully imagined without any of the above aspects of spirituality. Its essence is formed and matures on the basis of the common unity of these qualities. Spiritual maturity means that the subjective factors of the development of society, which are related to human activity and consciousness, are expanding, deepening and developing.