The Essence of Creating Horticultural Arrays Based on Terracing


  • Ashurov Abdullo Fayzulloevich Abdisamatov Otabek Saydamatovich
  • Akramov Shukrullo Inomjon o’g’li Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, National Research University



the advantages, of developing, climatic analysis, anti-erosion role of terraces


The article highlights the issues of the possibility of developing foothill and mountain slopes in Uzbekistan with the construction of terraces, followed by the creation of orchards and vineyards, the advantages of such gardens and vineyards. The need for agro-climatic analysis and the study of the relief of territories for terracing in order to create orchards and vineyards and their water supply is discussed. The anti-erosion role of terraces and their importance in the economy of the Republic is given.


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How to Cite

Fayzulloevich, A. A. ., & Inomjon o’g’li, A. S. . (2022). The Essence of Creating Horticultural Arrays Based on Terracing. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(11), 17–22.


