The Attitude of Specialists in the Field of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing to Property


  • Begamova Nasiba Kholmirzaevna Independent researcher, Department of World History, Termez State University



horticulture-fruit growing, vegetable growing, new varieties, wet fruit, fruit garden, vineyards, farm, butazar, slopes, productivity


One of the main branches of Agriculture of the Surkhandarya region is viticulture; there is a school of gardeners who have created extensive experience in growing grapes. The restoration of horticulture and fruit growing was carried out on the account of the reduction of cotton fields, the development of Steppe-steppe regions, and our ancestors relied on experiments on the creation of ancient gardens, and on the basis of couplab scientific research, certain achievements were achieved in exchange for tireless labor. Modernization of Agriculture an important factor in increasing efficiency in the field of knowledge of specialists the use of tajaribas has become a state policy.


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How to Cite

Kholmirzaevna, B. N. . (2022). The Attitude of Specialists in the Field of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing to Property. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(11), 56–58.


