Traditional Settlements of Ferghans Who Moved to Surkhan Oasis


  • Eshmuminov Azadbek Ziyodulla ugli Intern researcher, Department of World History, Termez State University



houses, residences, grassland, livestock, stone, raw brick, guwala, cotton houses


The construction of Housing has been considered one of the important factors that determine the culture of the population. The main task of the housing is to protect people from the external environment, natural phenomena (rain, snow, wind, etc.) built for preservation. In the XVIII century, permanent residential house-roofs and farm buildings were formed in the foothills, built with walls called shappati from Stone, raw brick, guwala, wolf head. The transition to house roofs as the main residence in the surhan Oasis was fully realized in the 1950s. Mainly sandalwood was widely used in the heating of houses in the Oasis.


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How to Cite

Ziyodulla ugli, E. A. . (2022). Traditional Settlements of Ferghans Who Moved to Surkhan Oasis. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(11), 59–61.


