Principal’s Financial Management as a Correlate of Administrative Effectiveness in Secondary Schools in Mezam Division


  • Emile Monono Mbua University of Bemenda, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Leadership



Financial management, Budget planning, Record-keeping, Administrative effectiveness


This study examined principal’s financial management as a correlate of administrative effectiveness in secondary schools in Mezam Division. The area of study is Mezam Division which comprises of six (06) sub-divisions. Descriptive research methodology was employed in the study. The population of the study was 1,450 secondary school leaders and teachers in Mezam. Proportionate random sampling technique was employed to select 900 respondents. A researcher-developed instrument of 30 items titled “Principal’s Financial Management and Administrative effectiveness questionnaire” (PFMAEQ) was used for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and it yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.78, at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed principal’s financial management enhances administrative effectiveness of secondary schools in Mezam Division. The findings revealed there is a very significant relationship between principal’ budget planning and administrative effectiveness. Findings also revealed there was a significant relationship between principal’s record-keeping and administrative effectiveness. Based on the findings, it was concluded that principal’s financial management is a correlate of administrative effectiveness in secondary school. It was therefore recommended that secondary school principals should have effective budget planning and record-keeping mechanisms to ensure controls in order to ensure administrative effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Mbua, E. M. . (2023). Principal’s Financial Management as a Correlate of Administrative Effectiveness in Secondary Schools in Mezam Division. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(3), 6–20.


