Leadership style, Work motivation, Job satisfaction and employee PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of leadership style, work motivation, and job satisfaction on employee performance at Manado Adventist Hospital. Every company or hospital seeks to improve employee performance in the hope of increasing company productivity. The population and sample in this study were all employees of the Manado Adventist Hospital, amounting to 400 people. With the Slovin's formula, the number of samples needed in the data collection process is obtained. The number of research samples as many as 80 employees of Manado Adventist Hospital. This number has met the requirements of SEM AMOS 21 analysis. The data collection method is the census method as primary data. Data collection using questionnaires and data analysis techniques using the SEM AMOS 21 analysis approach. The results of the study stated that leadership style had not significant impact on employee performance with CR value 0.568 < 2, P value 0.570 > 0.05 and CMIN/DF1.722 <2. Leadership style has a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction with CR 3,404 > 2, P value *** significant < 0.001 and CMIN/DF 1.722 < 2. Work motivation has not significant impact on job satisfaction with CR 0.013 < 2, P value 0.987 > 0.05 and CMIN/DF 1.772 < 2. Work motivation has a significant positive impact on employee performance with CR 3.537 < 2, P value *** means significant < 0.001 and CMIN/DF 1.722 < 2. Job satisfaction has no significant impact on employee performance with CR -1.013 < 2, P value 0.311 > 0.05 and CMIN/DF 1.722 < 2. While the leadership style according to the results of covariance analysis has an impact on work motivation with CR 3.944 > 2 with P value *** meaning significant 0.001. Leadership style and work motivation do not directly impact job satisfaction. Likewise, leadership style and job satisfaction do not directly affect employee performance. This can be seen in the total direct effects, standardized direct effects in this study.
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