Personnel Management Information System in Order to Create Up-To-Date and Integrated Personal Data and Information in the Personnel and Human Resources Agency in Malaka Regency


  • Kristina Yunita de Rahu
  • Melkisedek N.B.C. Neolaka
  • Ajis Salim Adang Djaha



Management, Personnel, Systems and Technology.


Purpose: This study discusses the personnel management information system in order to create up to date and integrated personnel data and information in the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency in Malaka Regency.

Research Methodology: This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection methods for this research will be conducted by means of interviews, observation and document searches. The data analysis technique in this study is based on the theory of Miles and Huberman.

Results: In the application of the human resources management information system in order to create up-to-date and integrated personel data and information in the Personel and Human Resources Development Agency of Malaka Regency, both input and process are still not good. In addition, there are inhibiting factors for the application of the personnel information system.

Limitations: Researchers find it difficult to make more detailed observations so that they cannot display more related data and information.

Contribution: This research can be a scientific basis for evaluating the application of the personnel information system at the Personel and Human Resources Development Agency of Malaka Regency. In addition, this research can be scientific information for students of Public Administration Science.


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How to Cite

Kristina Yunita de Rahu, Melkisedek N.B.C. Neolaka, & Ajis Salim Adang Djaha. (2023). Personnel Management Information System in Order to Create Up-To-Date and Integrated Personal Data and Information in the Personnel and Human Resources Agency in Malaka Regency. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(7), 110–128.


