
  • Zokirov Muzaffar Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health Department of Internal Medicine No. 1
  • Muhammadjonov Okilbeck Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health Department of Internal Medicine No. 1



Dementia, arterial hypertension, vascular dementia, choline alfoscerate


Vascular dementia is a fairly common condition among the elderly and is characterized by severe cognitive dysfunction. Patients with vascular dementia often require constant outside care and supervision, and their quality of life and social functioning are reduced. Despite significant investment in experimental and clinical neuroscience, the search for effective pharmacological agents for the treatment of this condition continues.


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How to Cite

Muzaffar, Z. ., & Okilbeck, M. . (2022). DEMENTIA AND ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(4), 19–23.


