Modern Building Materials and Items and Their Importance


  • Mamatov Mukhammat Khursandovich Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Teacher of the department "Technology of building materials, products and constructions"



modern building materials, innovative technologies, sustainability, energy efficiency, cost reduction, indoor air quality, carbon-neutral buildings, construction industry


This article discusses the significance of modern building materials and products in the construction industry. The author emphasizes the benefits of using innovative and technologically advanced materials that contribute to the durability, sustainability, and energy efficiency of buildings. The article considers the importance of modern building materials in reducing costs, improving indoor air quality, and contributing to sustainable development. The author provides examples of modern building materials and emphasizes their contribution to the goal of constructing carbon-neutral buildings. Overall, this article is a useful resource for architects and engineers who seek to construct more efficient and sustainable buildings that comply with environmental regulations.


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How to Cite

Khursandovich, M. M. . (2023). Modern Building Materials and Items and Their Importance. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(5), 29–33.


