Historical Development of Higher Education and Developmental Issues in Nigeria


  • Niyi Jacob Ogunode Department of Education, University of Abuja, Nigeria
  • Tanko A. Adihikon Department of History and Diplomatic Studies, Federal University Wukari, Nigeria




Development, Higher Education, Funding, Man Power


This paper discussed the historical development of higher education and developmental issues in higher education in Nigeria. Secondary data were employed in the paper. The secondary data were collected from print and online publications. The paper identified the developmental issues that have affected the higher education development in Nigeria including funding, infrastructural, personnel, autonomy, brain-drain, Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS), strike actions, political influence, indigenization of principal officers, corruption, admission crisis, higher education expansion policy, data generation, poor ranking and insecurity issues. To address these developmental issues, the paper suggested the following; that the government should increase the funding of higher institutions in Nigeria. Adequate funding is the panacea to higher institutions' development and sustainability. The establishment of new higher institutions should come with a new funding model where the higher institutions can survive without 100% dependency on government funding. The government should introduce private-public partnerships (PPP) in the management of infrastructure facilities in higher institutions. Before then, the government should embark on total infrastructural facilities development in all the higher institutions in Nigeria etc.


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How to Cite

Ogunode, N. J. ., & A. Adihikon, T. . (2023). Historical Development of Higher Education and Developmental Issues in Nigeria. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(6), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.51699/mjssh.v2i6.652




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