Conflicts of Interest within and between Stakeholders in the Integrated Development Projects of Bafut Sub-Division


  • Wuchu Cornelius Wutofeh Department of Geography, University of Yaounde I
  • Nebamforsah Peter Che Department of Geography, University of Yaounde I



conflicts of interest, integrated development project, sustainable development


The role of stakeholders is significant in the integrated development of rural areas as the case with Bafut sub division. These stakeholders however face a series of setbacks especially in the management of resources for development. One these setbacks are conflicts of interest which are common between members of a development stakeholder or between one stakeholder and another. This study set out to investigate how conflicts of interest affect integrated development in Bafut sub division. One hypothesis was set to guide this study. The research method used was the qualitative and quantitative approach which led to data collection, processing and analyses. The result of this study shows that conflicts of interest are a serious hindrance to the realization of integrated development projects and their sustainability in Bafut sub division. These conflicts are often ignored especially by the government who feels that her authority and financial strength can overcome all barriers to ensure integrated development in rural communities. However, the effective collaboration or participation of all stakeholders is a pre-requisite to integrated rural development project in rural areas and Bafut sub division in particular.


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How to Cite

Wuchu Cornelius Wutofeh, & Nebamforsah Peter Che. (2023). Conflicts of Interest within and between Stakeholders in the Integrated Development Projects of Bafut Sub-Division. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(6), 170–180.


