The Effectiveness of Interactive Technologies in the Teaching of Uzbek Language and Literature
interactive technologies and means, while the main directions of Applications, interactive technologies in the learning process, form and efficiency of the use of interactive technologies in teaching the Uzbek language and literatureAbstract
In the article approaches of effective use of innovative technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language, their influence on improving the quality of students' knowledge, ways of effective introduction and approbation of this aspect through non-traditional forms of education are considered. The author describe the practical importance of technology as a productive component that affects the content of the material, its systematization and assimilation. As a definition of the effectiveness of the introduction of technology, a system of indicators is proposed that determines the degree of person-centered learning and the level of knowledge. The authors of the article determine the role and place of innovative technologies in the teaching process in a foreign language. One of the main tasks of modern education gets over-hut interest and motivate the student to the study of the subject, to stimulate its cognitive and creative activity. The article deals with the place, role and efficiency of the use of interactive technologies and tools for teaching the uzbek language and literature.
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