History of Teacher Training System in Uzbekistan and Changes in it


  • Sharipova Nargiza Kokand branch of TDTU




Republic, education, school, teacher, student, reforms, solution


this article describes the reforms and changes in the public education system. The creation and development of the teacher training system in Uzbekistan also consisted of several stages. In the article below, an attempt was made to highlight the reforms that carried out these stages with the help of archival sources, periodicals and scientific literature.


Mirziyoev Sh.M. Education is our future, a matter of life and death // New Uzbekistan newspaper, January 28, 2022. – Б. 1.

Kadyrov I. National education in the Uzbek SSR for 30 years. - Tashkent: Ukituvchi, 1954. – S. 7.

Kadyrov I.K. Razvitie school in the UzSSR in the post-Soviet period (1945-1962 гг.) – Tashkent: Ukituvchi, 1965. – S. 49., 51

Rakhmanov N. Development of pedagogical education in Uzbekistan. – Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 1976. – S. 72, 54

Sadikov S. Essay on higher education in Uzbekistan (1956-1968 yy.) – Tashkent: Фан, 1969. – S 7.

Sadikov S., Zufarov Kh. Development of national education in Uzbekistan. – Tashkent: Ukutuchi, 1988. – S. 7.

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Uz NA, Fund 90, List 10, Case 3317, Sheet 115; Ergashev K. Development of general educational school in Uzbekistan 70-90 years. A problematic tendency. – Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 1996. – С. 31.

Uz NA, fund 94, list 7, fund 341, sheet-2

Uz NA, Р-Fund 94, list 7, case 1809, sheet 2.

Uz NA, Р-Fund 94, list 7, case 321"A", sheet 66.

Uz NA, Fund 2384, List 1, Case 6, Sheet 264.

Uz NA, Fund 2417, list 5, case 361, sheet 133.

Uz NA, Fund 2454, list 1, case 4950, sheet 3; Fund 2582, list 1, case 453, sheet 1.

Uz NA, Fund 2806, list 1, case 42, sheet 17.

Аndijan RST, Fund 505, List 1, Case 188, Sheet 37

Namangan RST, Fund 12, list 2, case 471, sheet 279

Namangan RST, Fund 266, list 6, case 581, sheet 2, sheet 4, sheet 14

Fergana VDA, fund 1125, list 5, case 72, sheet 49, sheet 21

Pride and glory of the socialist society // Soviet school. 1978 –№5. – Б. 6.

Abdurakhmanov G'. A large center for training of pedagogical personnel // Soviet school. 1985 –№7 – Б. 14.

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Materials of a personal interview with Karimova Tursunoy, a teacher of the 32nd school in the city of Andijan (she lives at 13, Abdulla Kadiri street, 3-tor Abdulla Kadiri, Andijan, Bogishamol district) August 15, 2021; Materials of a personal interview with Valieva Jamilakhan, a teacher of the 4th school of Pakhtaabad district, Andijan region (1951, lives at 10 Musaffo Street, Pakhtaabad town) June 5, 2021.

Materials of a personal interview with Madalieva Manzurakhan, a teacher of the 10th school in the city of Koqon, Fergana region, Hero of Uzbekistan (1947, lives at 125 A. Navoi street, Koqon city) December 23, 2020; Materials of a personal interview with Khusanova Yulduzkhan, teacher of the 5th school, Rishton district, Fergana region (1947, lives in house 20 Gulzor street, Beshkapa village, Rishton district) May 18, 2021;







How to Cite

Sharipova Nargiza. (2023). History of Teacher Training System in Uzbekistan and Changes in it. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(11), 63–68. https://doi.org/10.51699/mjssh.v2i11.738


