About The Nigerian Soldiers on Peace Keeping Mission in Okuoma Community: The Issue of State Commemoration Over Their Death


  • Taylor, Tamunosaki (PhD) Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria


The Nigerian Soldiers, Peace Keeping Mission, Okuoma Community, Delta State


The ambushing of the Nigerian soldiers who were on peace keeping mission in Delta State stirred up varying social interpretations. Largely from the security desk to peace and conflict analysts, the debate however was not without a sublimation of facts. Through the medium of language, the study claims that the killing of the soldiers was wrongly accounted for. As Plato puts it, unless language is rightly applied, society most likely can be led astray. Arising from this the study would further argue that the exceeding state commemoration accorded to the soldiers, on the other hand, backgrounds at the communities who also lost their folks to the rumble. While the state never mentioned this side of the story, the researcher avows that this is a case of class externalization. The death of the soldiers, the paper concludes is indeed in connection with the demands and nature of their duty.


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How to Cite

Taylor, Tamunosaki (PhD). (2024). About The Nigerian Soldiers on Peace Keeping Mission in Okuoma Community: The Issue of State Commemoration Over Their Death. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 20–24. Retrieved from https://mjssh.academicjournal.io/index.php/mjssh/article/view/757


