Pentahelix Collaboration: Community Empowerment in Indonesia's COVID-19 Response


  • Hendra Sukmana University Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia
  • M. Dodik Kurniawan University Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia



Pandemic, Collaboration, Tough Village


Efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic are crucial, particularly in addressing the challenges that arise. This study focuses on the Tangguh Village Program in Indonesia, examining the roles of various stakeholders, including government officials, business coordinators, academics, community leaders, and media professionals. Using a qualitative descriptive method, data were gathered through interviews, observations, and documentation. Despite extensive efforts, a gap remains in understanding how collaborative governance models can effectively integrate these diverse sectors. This research aims to explore the effectiveness of the Penthahelix model in fostering community resilience and participation. Findings indicate that the success of the Tangguh Village Program is driven by collective awareness and bottom-up participation, highlighting the importance of community involvement and inter-sectoral collaboration. The implications suggest that localized, collaborative efforts can significantly enhance public health responses and compliance with health protocols, providing valuable insights for improving pandemic management strategies globally.or a form of community participation. and the government in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Sukmana, H. ., & Kurniawan, M. D. . (2024). Pentahelix Collaboration: Community Empowerment in Indonesia’s COVID-19 Response . Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(7), 135–158.


