
  • Abdiel Octavian Bajen Masters Program in Public Administration, Postgraduate Manado State University
  • Jeane E. Langkai Masters Program in Public Administration, Postgraduate Manado State University
  • Sisca Beatrix Kairupan Masters Program in Public Administration, Postgraduate Manado State University



Pandemic, Covid-19, Policy


Tourism is an activity carried out by people or groups by traveling that moves from place of residence to another place and stays for a short period of time with the aim of having fun, business, and other purposes. The keywords of this understanding are moving, traveling, having fun and staying in a short period of time. This research is focused on the implementation and policy determinants of the Governor of North Sulawesi Regulation Number 44 of 2020 regarding Guidelines for Adapting New Habits Towards a Productive and Safe Society for Covid-19, especially in Manado Nature Tourism Destinations. The data collected through the three techniques above are analyzed by modifying the analysis model of Miles and Huberman, (1992:112) with the steps of data reduction, data presentation, draw conclusions or verification. The results show that the bureaucratic structure in the policy of the Guidelines for Adapting New Habits Towards a Productive and Safe Covid-19 Society in North Sulawesi Province has not set monitors and supervisors if tourist destinations are in two government areas. Manado Nature Tourism Destinations are difficult to establish a work from home program because nature tourism provides more visitor services, not administrative services.


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How to Cite

Bajen, A. O., Langkai, J. E. ., & Kairupan, S. B. . . (2022). IMPLEMENTATION OF TOURISM POLICY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN NORTH SULAWESI PROVINCE. Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(4), 130–144.


