STAD Learning Model, Visual Media, Learning OutcomesAbstract
This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes of SD Inpres Tuutu by utilizing the student teams achievement division (STAD) learning model and visual media. The research method used is a classroom action research method with a classroom action research model from Kemmis and Tagart which consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, action, observation, reflection. This research will be carried out in two cycles with a research flow. The research sample is class VI SD Inpres Tuutu. The results of the instrument for measuring learning outcomes using the percentage formula and the average learning outcomes of class VI students at SD Inpres Tuutu. The results of the study showIn general, the results of the assessment in the first cycle increased, this can be seen from the ability to write past historical struggles with a contextual approach through cooperative integrated reading and composition techniques on the six aspects of the assessment as follows: from 26 students who took the test, the score for the theme matched the content of the historical struggle of the past. then 62.31%, depth of idea 46.28%, accuracy of diction 46.15%, typography utilization 69.23%, rhythm 61.92% and originality 75.38%. In cycle II, there was a significant improvement in six aspects of writing ability of past historical struggles with a contextual approach through the application of models Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD)on the six aspects of the assessment as follows: the suitability of the theme with the content of past historical struggles, depth of ideas, accuracy of diction, use of typography, rhythm and originality in the Pre-test and completeness of the Pretest. Of the 22 students who took the test, the scores for Theme Conformity With Contents of Past History Struggle were 89.62%, Depth of Idea 60.64%, Diction Accuracy 58.21%, Typography Utilization 97.69%, Rhythm 85.77% and Originality 91 ,92%. Cycle I increased this can be seen from the ability to write past history struggle with a contextual approach through cooperative integrated reading and composition techniques on the six aspects of the assessment as follows: from 26 students who took the test, the score of theme conformity with the content of past historical struggles was 100%, depth of idea was 70.77%, diction accuracy was 65.77%, 100% typography utilization, 100% rhythm and 100% originality. Results in Cycle III The results of observations of student activities during cycle III can be seen from the results of the analysis as follows: students with very good assessment criteria are 1 person or 3.85%, 19 students or 73.08% good criteria, 2 students have good criteria or 23.08%, there are no moderate criteria and none good.
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